Personal Training
Online or in person options
Programs are designed specifically for your unique lifestyle, goals and body.
Whether you’re looking to incorporate more movement into your life, safely start exercising, want to build or maintain strength, or have specific sports goals or are experiencing difficulty with exercise and hormone related symptoms. We will collaborate with you to work out the best way to set yourself up for success.
At Paschima we have a personal passion for keeping active, backed with a deep knowledge of anatomy and physiology, kinesiology (the scientific study of human body movement) and a sound understanding of the nervous system and effects of stress. This combination means we can help you with your exercise goals in a practical and mentally and physically sensitive way to avoid over or under training to best set you up for success.
At Paschima we have a big focus on mental health and encourage clients to create non-body weight specific goals and will never weigh or measure your body (but you can if you choose to). We focus on behavior-based change and help you set holistic goals based on emotional well-being, reducing stress, gaining mental and physical strength and reaching new levels of capability. These types of goals are proven to give far higher levels of overall health, exercise enjoyment and long-term adherence.
All menstruating clients are trained with their hormonal cycle or individual hormone stage of life. Even at the beginning stages of incorporating exercise into your life knowing when to push, when to ease off and what to eat for adequate energy and recovery can go a long way to setting yourself up for success. As we enter peri-menopause and start to experience extreme hormone fluctuations we need to change the way we exercise and then once we enter menopause this changes again. Maybe how you’ve exercised for years suddenly just isn’t working for you anymore? We can guide you in this process to help avoid negative results or giving up on exercise altogether.
Client Words
1:1 PT sessions
$60 30min
$90 60min
$250 3x 60 min
Long Term Change program
$75per week or Koha
All Paschima services are available in return for koha (donation or gift) to anyone experiencing financial difficulties.
Get in touch to find out more.